Friday, July 16, 2010

Late Nineties Redux

This time in the Bulls vs. Jazz series that so thrilled/suicidally dissapointed me as a youth, the issue is not back-to-back battles in the finals, but roster swapping; specifically, the Bulls taking a large swath of our roster from the past 4 seasons. It seems that the argument is that what was holding the Jazz back was a good defensive center (a very valid point) and the point guard skills of Derrick Rose (a much less valid point). But, since I like Brewer and (somewhat less) Korver and (much less -- bordering on luke-warm, take him or leave him sentiment) Boozer, I wish the new Bulls the best of luck in losing in the playoff's second round. Have fun guys, you earned it!

1 comment:

  1. More like the first round! Who did they take before this year?
